Actress Gal Gadot on Becoming Wonder Woman, How to Beat Jet Lag, and the Power of a Signature Scent

Gal Gadot

Photo: Gal Gadot / @gal_gadot

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It’s a safe bet that the crowd gathered for a Gucci party at Berlin’s Soho House has seen its fair share of glittering young things, but when Gal Gadot walks into the loft-like space on a recent Wednesday night, her dark beauty and quiet charisma send a palpable current of energy through the room. The Israeli actress should get used to the attention: With Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice set to hit theatres next spring, Gadot is poised to take her spot in the action hero hall of fame. And while the former dancer and fitness instructor was a natural for the physically demanding role of Wonder Woman, her fine-boned features and lithe, athletic frame have recently won her another role, as the face of Gucci’s new Gucci Bamboo perfume (out this month).

For the Tel Aviv–based Gadot, who stars in the fashion house’s Mert and Marcus–lensed campaign, fragrance is something deeply personal—she counts the scent of the ocean and her three-year old daughter, Alma, as amongst her favorite smells. A signature perfume, on the other hand, is a kind of olfactory calling card: “It makes the first first impression,” she says, perched on a velvet sofa inside her hotel suite, wearing a black leather Gucci dress and a dash of the fashion house’s sandalwood, vanilla, and ylang-ylang blend. “Before you even say hello, people can smell it.”

Sensorial messaging aside, if Gadot is making an impression of her own this morning, it’s an appealing blend of warmth and exuberance that’s amplified by the slightest trace of a Hebrew accent as she animatedly describes being late to the beauty game despite winning Miss Israel in 2004 (“I was a tomboy! I hated all the heavy makeup.”) and the two years she spent whipping soldiers into shape while she was in the army (“crazy!”). And though she’s just passing through town for a 72-hour press call, she shows no sign of frequent-flyer fatigue—a fact she’s quick to credit to a host of beauty tricks. Here, she shares a few of her secrets on how she keeps her skin and her body in fighting shape.

TAKE ON JET LAG LIKE A PRO“I’ve gotten used to jet lag but I have tricks. I drink tons of water because I get really dehydrated when I travel, and also freshly squeezed orange juice because the Vitamin C is really good for your body. I try to be outside in the daylight as much as I can to get my serotonin levels up. And I’ve got to tell you: I can go to sleep like this [snaps fingers]. When I get into an airplane, I usually fall asleep before takeoff. If I need to go to bed, I will put myself on ‘off.’ ”


FINE-TUNE YOUR TRAVEL BEAUTY KIT“I always pack the creams my aesthetician, Gisele—she goes by her first name—in Tel Aviv mixes for me. They keep my face in good shape. I also bring La Mer Cleansing Oil, because it doesn’t dry out my skin. And I take Evian water spray with me—if you feel like your makeup has dried out during the day, it gives a boost of hydration. I also take a small bag of makeup basics, including Careline mascara—which is Israeli and really good—and blush. I don’t like the feeling of wearing makeup, so I always mix my foundation with my day cream. Gucci’s is sheer but it covers what needs to be covered.”

FIND A SIGNATURE RED LIPSTICK“When I go out, I usually wear bold lips, so it’s either MAC Diva or Gucci Iconic Red. which is amazing. And that’s it.”

FIGURE OUT YOUR SCENT IDENTITY“I like to smell clean and fresh. The Gucci Bamboo fragrance really does the job for me—it has ylang-ylang, a floral that is really fresh with a touch of sweetness.”

LEAVE YOUR HAIR-DRYER AT HOME“I use Kérastase ampoules day and night, especially when I travel because I get dehydrated and they make the root of the hair stronger. People keep telling me: Don’t wash your hair every day—it’s not good for you! I wash my hair every day. But I let it dry naturally.”

MAKE THE WORLD YOUR GYM“My mom is a gymnastics teacher, so I grew up doing lots of different sports. I was a dancer for twelve years and I did basketball and volleyball and dodgeball—you name it. [Now,] I try to work out at least three times a week, at least one hour each time, and I do different things, like TRX or Pilates. If I’m staying in a cold country or there happens to be no gym, I’ll exercise in my room. If I’m by the ocean, I swim. I’ll paddleboard, which I love because it keeps you in shape and it’s meditative. The meaning of my name in Hebrew is wave—I’m into anything that has to do with the sea.”

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